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System Android/IOS
Version 0.3
Price $1.99
Developer Ammil
Updated September 22, 2021
Size 76.55 Mb


Relumine is a puzzle game developed by Ammil, currently in the testing phase. Although limited information is available, let's examine the gameplay, potential strengths, and possible drawbacks of the game.


As Relumine is in the testing phase, the exact gameplay mechanics may not be well-documented. However, puzzle games typically involve solving various challenges or puzzles using logic, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking. Players may encounter different levels or scenarios that require them to manipulate objects, find solutions, or complete specific objectives to progress in the game.


Puzzle-solving Experience: Puzzle games often provide an engaging and mentally stimulating experience. Relumine may offer unique and challenging puzzles that can captivate players and keep them engaged.

Test Phase Feedback: Being in the testing phase, Relumine can benefit from user feedback. Developers can use this opportunity to gather insights, identify areas for improvement, and refine the game's mechanics, ensuring a better experience upon official release.

Potential for Innovation: Test phase games have the advantage of experimenting with innovative features and mechanics. Relumine might introduce creative gameplay elements or puzzle designs that distinguish it from other puzzle games on the market.


Limited Information: Since Relumine is still in the testing phase, there may be limited information available regarding specific gameplay details, variety of puzzles, or overall game content. This can make it challenging to provide an in-depth analysis of the game's potential weaknesses.

Potential Bugs or Issues: As with any game in the testing phase, Relumine may have some bugs, glitches, or technical issues that could affect gameplay. It's important to keep in mind that these issues are common during the testing phase and are typically addressed before the official release.

Lack of Community and Updates: During the testing phase, the game might have a limited player community, which could impact social features, multiplayer options, or overall online engagement. Additionally, updates and new content may be less frequent compared to games that have been officially released.

Please note that the information provided is based on the current understanding of the game "Relumine" being in the testing phase. As the game progresses and more information becomes available, it's advisable to refer to user reviews, official announcements, and updates from the developers for a more accurate and comprehensive assessment of the game.


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