Where's My Water? 2
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System Android/IOS
Version 1.9.9
Price free
Developer Kongregate
Updated September 28, 2021
Size 97.52 Mb


Where's My Water? 2 is a puzzle game developed by Disney that offers a fun and challenging gameplay experience. Let's explore the gameplay, strengths, and weaknesses of this game.


In Where's My Water? 2, players help Swampy the Alligator and his friends by guiding water through various puzzles to help them take a bath. The game features multiple levels with different obstacles, such as dirt, toxic ooze, and traps. Players need to strategically dig through the dirt and create paths to guide the water to Swampy's shower while collecting rubber ducks along the way. The game also introduces new mechanics and power-ups as players progress, adding depth to the gameplay.


Challenging and Innovative Puzzles: Where's My Water? 2 offers a wide range of challenging puzzles that require creative thinking and problem-solving skills. The game gradually introduces new mechanics and obstacles, keeping the gameplay fresh and engaging. The puzzles are well-designed and provide a satisfying sense of accomplishment when solved.

Appealing Visuals and Presentation: The game features colorful and vibrant visuals with well-animated characters and environments. The charming and lighthearted art style appeals to players of all ages. The game also incorporates catchy sound effects and background music that enhance the overall experience.

Level Variety and Replayability: Where's My Water? 2 offers a diverse selection of levels with different challenges and objectives. Each level can be replayed to achieve a higher score or to find hidden collectibles. This adds replayability and encourages players to explore different strategies to improve their performance.


In-App Purchases and Ads: The game includes in-app purchases for hints, power-ups, and additional content. While not necessary to progress, these purchases can provide advantages and expedite gameplay. Additionally, the presence of ads, although common in free games, may interrupt the gameplay experience for some players.

Limited Innovation and Variation: The gameplay mechanics in Where's My Water? 2, while enjoyable, may not offer significant innovation or variation compared to the original game or other puzzle games in the genre. Some players may seek more unique or innovative gameplay experiences.

Energy System and Waiting Times: The game incorporates an energy system that limits the number of levels players can play before needing to wait for energy to recharge. This can introduce waiting times and potentially restrict extended play sessions, which may be frustrating for players looking for uninterrupted gameplay.

Overall, Where's My Water? 2 provides an enjoyable and challenging puzzle-solving experience with its innovative levels, appealing visuals, and diverse puzzles. However, the presence of in-app purchases, limited innovation, and energy system may impact the overall experience for some players. Nonetheless, for puzzle game enthusiasts and fans of the original game, Where's My Water? 2 offers hours of engaging and entertaining gameplay.


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2023-07-18 07:29:59