Getting Over It
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System Android/IOS
Version 1.9.4
Price free
Developer Bennett Foddy
Updated October 10, 2020
Size 135.27 Mb


Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is a challenging and unconventional indie game developed by Bennett Foddy. It is known for its unique gameplay mechanics and steep difficulty curve. Let's explore the gameplay, strengths, and weaknesses of this game.


In Getting Over It, players control a man named Diogenes, who is trapped in a cauldron and equipped with a large hammer. The objective is to navigate various obstacles and reach the top of the mountain using only the hammer for movement. The game's controls require precise mouse movements to swing the hammer and propel the character forward. Players must master the physics-based mechanics to overcome challenging terrain and avoid falling back to the beginning.


Unique and Challenging Gameplay: Getting Over It offers a distinct gameplay experience that combines physics-based mechanics, precision controls, and a steep difficulty curve. It presents a unique challenge that requires patience, perseverance, and mastery of the game's mechanics. Overcoming obstacles and progressing in the game can be incredibly satisfying.

Minimalistic Aesthetic and Sound Design: The game's minimalist visuals and atmospheric sound design contribute to its immersive and contemplative atmosphere. The absence of distractions allows players to focus on the gameplay and the emotional journey of the character, creating a sense of tension and accomplishment.

Philosophical and Reflective Themes: Getting Over It delves into philosophical themes of perseverance, frustration, and the human will to overcome challenges. The game's narration, delivered by Bennett Foddy himself, offers thought-provoking insights that encourage players to reflect on their own experiences and emotions while playing.


High Level of Difficulty: Getting Over It is notorious for its high level of difficulty, which can frustrate and discourage some players. The challenging nature of the game requires precise movements, and even minor mistakes can result in significant setbacks. This level of difficulty may not appeal to casual or less patient players.

Repetitive Gameplay Loop: The core gameplay loop of climbing the mountain can become repetitive over time. Players may find themselves repeating the same sections multiple times, which can be monotonous and test their patience.

Potential for Frustration and Discouragement: The steep difficulty and the risk of losing progress can lead to frustration and discouragement. Some players may find the game's challenging nature and the possibility of setbacks overwhelming, impacting their overall enjoyment.

Overall, Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy offers a unique and challenging gameplay experience that tests players' patience and perseverance. Its strengths lie in its distinctive mechanics, minimalist aesthetic, and philosophical themes. However, its high difficulty level, repetitive gameplay loop, and potential for frustration may limit its appeal to a specific audience who appreciates its unique design and is willing to embrace its challenging nature.


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