Clue: The Classic Mystery Game
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System Android/IOS
Version 2.8.14
Price $4.99
Developer Marmalade
Updated December 14, 2021
Size 52.43 Mb


Clue: The Classic Mystery Game is a digital adaptation of the popular board game that brings the thrill of solving a murder mystery to your mobile device. In this game, players take on the roles of detectives, trying to uncover the truth behind a murder by gathering clues, making deductions, and ultimately identifying the culprit, the weapon, and the location of the crime.

The gameplay of Clue: The Classic Mystery Game closely follows the traditional board game. Players move their characters around the mansion, entering rooms, collecting evidence, and interrogating other players. The goal is to narrow down the possibilities and make an accurate accusation to solve the mystery.

One of the strengths of the game is its immersive atmosphere. The detailed mansion, the atmospheric soundtrack, and the iconic characters all contribute to creating a suspenseful and engaging experience. The game also offers multiple difficulty levels, allowing players of all skill levels to enjoy the challenge.

However, one potential drawback of Clue: The Classic Mystery Game is its reliance on luck. The card-drawing mechanic can sometimes result in players feeling frustrated or at a disadvantage if they consistently draw unfavorable cards. Additionally, the game's AI opponents may sometimes make questionable decisions, which can affect the overall enjoyment of the game.

Despite these minor drawbacks, Clue: The Classic Mystery Game remains a beloved classic for mystery enthusiasts. Its faithful adaptation of the board game, engaging gameplay, and atmospheric presentation make it a compelling choice for both fans of the original game and newcomers alike.


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