Samsara Room
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System Android/IOS
Version 2021.07.22
Price free
Developer LoyaltyGame
Updated July 22, 2021
Size Depends on the device


Samsara Room is an atmospheric puzzle game developed by Rusty Lake that takes players on a surreal journey through a mysterious room. Let's explore the gameplay, strengths, and weaknesses of this game.


In Samsara Room, players find themselves trapped in a strange room filled with enigmatic objects and symbols. The objective is to solve puzzles and uncover the secrets of the room to progress further. Players must carefully observe their surroundings, manipulate objects, and discover hidden clues to unlock new areas and unravel the room's mysteries. The game combines point-and-click mechanics with logical thinking and exploration.


Atmospheric and Immersive Experience: Samsara Room excels in creating an immersive and mysterious atmosphere. The haunting visuals, eerie sound design, and atmospheric music combine to draw players into the enigmatic world of the game. The captivating atmosphere enhances the sense of exploration and discovery.

Intricate Puzzles and Riddles: The game presents players with a series of intricate puzzles and riddles to solve. Each puzzle requires observation, critical thinking, and attention to detail. The challenges are well-crafted and provide a satisfying sense of accomplishment when successfully completed. The complexity of the puzzles gradually increases, keeping players engaged and motivated.

Unique Artistic Style: Samsara Room features a unique and visually striking artistic style. The hand-drawn graphics and surreal imagery create a distinct and memorable visual experience. The attention to detail in the environment and objects enhances the immersion and adds depth to the game's narrative.


Short Duration: Samsara Room is a relatively short game that can be completed in one sitting. While it offers a concise and focused experience, players seeking longer gameplay sessions or more content may find themselves wanting more.

Lack of Guidance or Clarity: The game relies heavily on ambiguity and open-endedness, which can sometimes result in a lack of clear direction or guidance. Some players may find it challenging to progress or understand the underlying narrative without explicit instructions.

Limited Replayability: Once players have solved the puzzles and completed the game, there is limited replay value. The absence of alternative paths or multiple endings may diminish the desire to revisit the game once the initial experience is completed.

Overall, Samsara Room delivers an atmospheric and immersive puzzle-solving experience. Its unique artistic style, intricate puzzles, and captivating atmosphere contribute to its strengths. However, the short duration, lack of guidance, and limited replayability may impact the overall experience for some players. Nonetheless, for fans of surreal and thought-provoking puzzle games, Samsara Room offers a captivating and enigmatic journey through a mysterious room.


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