SongPop® 3 - Guess The Song
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System Android/IOS
Version 001.010.004
Price free
Developer FreshPlanet
Updated February 17, 2022
Size 44.04 Mb


SongPop® 3 is a mobile music trivia game developed by FreshPlanet. It offers a fun and challenging gameplay experience where players can test their knowledge of various music genres and compete against friends or players from around the world. Let's explore the gameplay, strengths, and weaknesses of this game.


In SongPop 3, players engage in music trivia battles, where they must identify song titles, artists, or albums based on short audio clips. The game covers a wide range of genres, including pop, rock, hip-hop, and more. Players can choose from various game modes, including Solo Play, Party Mode, and Challenge Friends, to tailor the experience to their preferences. The objective is to earn points by answering questions correctly and as quickly as possible, competing for high scores and climbing the leaderboards.


Vast Music Library: SongPop 3 boasts a vast and diverse music library, featuring thousands of songs across different genres and eras. This extensive collection ensures that players can enjoy a wide range of music and challenges. It appeals to music enthusiasts and offers opportunities to discover new songs and artists.

Competitive Multiplayer: The game's multiplayer mode allows players to challenge their friends or compete against opponents worldwide. This competitive aspect adds excitement and encourages friendly competition. Leaderboards and rankings provide a sense of progression and achievement.

Social Interaction: SongPop 3 fosters social interaction among players. It enables users to connect and engage with friends through music, exchanging challenges, playlists, and messages. The social features enhance the gaming experience, making it a platform for music discovery and connection.


Limited Free Content: While SongPop 3 offers a free-to-play experience, the availability of songs and game modes may be limited without purchasing premium content or subscribing to a premium membership. Free players may encounter repetitive content and have restricted access to certain features, which could impact their enjoyment of the game.

In-App Purchases and Subscriptions: The game includes in-app purchases and subscriptions for additional songs, playlists, and power-ups. While these purchases are optional, some players may feel pressured to spend real money to access a wider variety of content. The presence of microtransactions may create an uneven playing field between free and paying players.

Advertisements: SongPop 3 displays advertisements, which can interrupt the gameplay experience and create distractions. While ads may be necessary to support the free-to-play model, some players may find them disruptive or intrusive.

Overall, SongPop 3 offers an enjoyable music trivia experience with its vast music library, competitive multiplayer mode, and social interaction features. However, the limited free content, in-app purchases, and advertisements may impact the overall experience for some players. Nonetheless, for music enthusiasts, trivia lovers, and those seeking a social music gaming experience, SongPop 3 provides an engaging and entertaining platform to test their music knowledge and connect with others.


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